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Program Review

Program Review is the systematic process of gathering, analyzing, reporting, and applying data about a program and its curriculum. A validation team reviews the program self-study and reports on its findings using a standard template. The major objective of Program Review is to improve the quality of education at Butte College.

The Program Data Reports provide key data to support Program Review. 


In Spring 2013, the college conducted Completer and Leaver Surveys. All students receiving a degree or certificate from Butte College between January 2011 and January 2013 were included in the Completer Survey. Programs that had results for the Completer survey are included under the Program Review data.


Wage Data

This section contains information about the wages earned by program completers. There are three sources for this information. The first is the Completer Survey that the college conducted in Spring 2013. The second is the state Data Mart and the third is the state Salary Surfer.

The Completer Survey provides information collected from completers that finished their programs between January 2011 and January 2013. Reports from this survey were developed for the college as a whole and for each program with a sufficient number of responses.

The state Data Mart contains a report about wage outcomes for each of the colleges in the system. The information in this report is collected three years after students complete their programs.

The state Salary Surfer provides wage data for the system as a whole by degree and certificate. This report measures wages two years prior to completion, two years after completion and five years after completion.

  • Completer Survey
    • Administered in Spring 2013 for students earning a degree or certificate between January 2011 and 2013
    • Surveys completers about their salary before they received their award and zero to two years after they received it
    • Includes transfer and career and technical education programs
    • Students that transfer are included
    • 2,378 completers were contacted using email and by phone. We received responses from 1,057 for a response rate of 44%
    • Although the response rate for the college provided a high confidence level (over 95%) the number of respondents for individual programs was far lower and, as a result, should be considered as only one indicator rather than as conclusive evidence
    • College report and program reports are available in MyBC, Groups and Committees, Outcomes Assessment Committee, Shared Documents, Completer Survey Results (.xls or .pdf format)
    • To be consistent with Salary Surfer the data in this report shows median rather than average salaries


  • State Data Mart (College)
    • Provides information about Butte College students based on the TOPS code of the degree or certificate program they completed
    • Tracks the student three years after they complete
    • Developed using California Unemployment Insurance data (excludes self-employed, military, anyone no longer residing in California)
    • Students that transfer are excluded as are students without an SSN
    • Students that were under 22 at the time of award we excluded
    • Students with no wages in the third year were excluded
    • Students currently enrolled in the California Community College system were excluded
    • Programs with less than ten in the cohort were excluded
    • To develop a higher "n" students are tracked three years after they leave in each of eight years and the salaries are then converted into a modified wage by applying the Consumer Price Index


  • Salary Surfer (System)
    • Provides information on all students in the state that that completed a degree or certificate program based on TOPS code
    • Tracks students two years before and five years after they complete
    • Generally uses the same information as the Salary Surfer.


 A particularly good summary source is the Wage Outcomes spreadsheet that shows the alignment between Completer Survey Data, State Salary Surfer, and State Data Mart information. To view the full report, click on the Report tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet. This is also available in MyBC, Groups and Committees, Outcomes Assessment Committee, Shared Documents, Wage Data, Wage Outcomes Report. 

The summary report only lists programs for which we received a sufficient number of responses during the Completer Survey.  The overall report provides information about all programs.

Additional Resources

  • Course Student Demographics Report
    • This report provides useful summary data at the course level. It is designed to provide comparative data for three terms of the same type (e.g. Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2012). This data includes:

      • Student Demographics to include gender, age, and ethnicity,

      • Success by gender, age, and GPA at entry to the course,

      • Success by level below transfer at entry in Math, English, and Reading,

      • Success and Retention by time and location, and

      • Educational Goals of students taking this course

      Report Server location: Home>Institutional Research>Program Review>Course Student Demographic Report.

      Note: To use this report you will need to enter the term and the course number.   The report will provide the data for the term you enter and the two subsequent terms of the same type (e.g. when you enter Fall 2010 the report will give you Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2012). Remember to enter the dash when you enter the course number (e.g. ENGL-2).


  • Academic Program Award Eligibility Report
    • This report enables you to identify students that have successfully completed any sequence of courses you prescribe. The idea is to provide you with a list of students that have completed all or part of a program for the purposes of determining eligibility for an award or to focus program recruitment efforts.

      Report Server location: Home>Institutional Research>Program Review>Course Student Demographic Report.

      Note: There is not currently a hard coded link between the program and the courses. This means that the report will provide the list of all students that have successfully completed the core courses that you identify irregardless of the program that is selected.


  • Section Term Comparison Report (MOAR)
    • This is the most comprehensive section level report that we have (hence the abbreviation MOAR – Mother of All Reports). It provides section comparison data for any three terms. This data includes virtually everything about the characteristics of a section – time, location, level below transfer, transfer status, section cap, room cap, enrollments, FTES projections, etc. One of the most useful items in this report is "days to close."   This tells you how far in advance of a term the section was closed to new enrollments.

      Report Server location: Home>Schedule>Section Term Comparison Report.

      Note: This is a huge report so be sure to use the filters to limit the data you receive to what you actually need.



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